04-10-2013, 05:55 AM
sorry, this is probably easy, but I can't figure out how to get the database print my collection in list mode using my preferred sort (last name then first name), e.g., get Aaron Copland albums to print with the last name (Copland) having priority in ordering. Solution?
04-10-2013, 07:30 PM
Right, it is easy, but the steps may not be so obvious. To do this as a list, as you undoubtedly know, choose Database -> Print Options -> List Printing. The tab that shows up, Options, is not the one you want to use first. Instead, go to Columns, and Select the columns you want printed (using Add & Remove, if necessary). You can change the order by highlighting a column name and using Move Up and Move Down. To have the list sorted by artist last name you MUST choose Artist (sort name) as one of the columns, but it doesn't need to be the first column, though it seems that's what you want. Then go back to the Options page and choose the two columns you want to sort by. ONLY columns that will be printed can be selected to sort by. I do not believe there is any way to sort artist by Last Name, First Name and have it print artist only by First Name, Last Name. I think this will do what you want.
There is a work around so that you can sort by Last Name, First, but print only First name, Last Name using the export feature (Database -> Import and Export -> Export to plain text. The options allow you to specify a sort exactly life the list print and to set the export file up as a csv file which you can then import to a spreadsheet. Once in the spreadsheet you can delete the sort column if you don't want it to be printed and do other manipulations. I prefer to print this way, as Excel (and all other spreadsheet programs) offer many more formatting options that OCD (or any music cataloging program).
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